[E3 2005] Immagini sanguinolente per Infected


Da Majesco alcune nuove immagini di Infected per PSP, titolo decisamente splatter previsto per il portatile Sony.


Publisher: Majesco Entertainment
Developer: Planet Moon Studios
Platforms: PSP
Genre: Third-Person Action
Release Date: Q4 2005
Contact: Laura Heeb
HighWater Group PR
(212) 338-0077 ext 307


The first in a series of original games exclusively for the PSP from Planet Moon Studios and Majesco, Infected features pulse-pounding two-gun action as players cleanse the mean streets of New York City of mad, flesh-hungry Infected. The title brings the frenetic gameplay of a classic arcade game to a cutting-edge third-person shooter.

Infected features an engrossing single-player campaign with lavishly gory details and unlocks the world of WiFi with blood-thirsting multiplayer modes. There is also an innovative multiplayer system called "chain infections" whereby players create unique avatars and pass them on to each other's PSPs like viruses. If infected by another player, the gamer will actually find his avatar running around fighting in his single-player game. Through multiplayer victories, players spread their avatars around the real world, player to player, in massive, viral chain letters of evil!

Infected is a game of shifting power, chain reactions, huge explosions and double-fisted gunplay.


It's Christmas time in New York City. A strange virus has appeared in the city, turning seemingly normal people into insane, violent folks called: Infected.

Rookie Officer Stevens is one of the first victims of the Infected. But unlike others, Stevens is stangely immune and doesn't lose control. The mysterious Dr. Schaeffer discovers that Stevens' immune blood can be used to destroy the otherwise unkillable Infected. Schaeffer creates a special "viral gun" that fills shells with blood from Stevens' arm and blasts them straight into the Infected, causing them to die.

Stevens is the only person who can save New York - and Christmas - from the Infected!

Game Play Features:

  • Infect the world with your PSP - Players spread their own unique avatar like a virus to other players' PSPs;

  • Ultra-fast paced, two-gun action in the streets of New York;

  • Set off massive chain reactions of exploding Infected, showering the streets with blood;

  • Exciting multiplayer modes: Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch;

  • Through multiplayer victories, players spread their avatars around the real world, player to player;

  • Form clans with shared uniforms, spreading the same unique virus to the unsuspecting;

  • Access a huge arsenal of powder weapons, viral weapons and special weapons such as air strikes and fire trails that ignite chains of Infected.