Final Fantasy XIV: Square annuncia una nuova patch a Marzo


Square Enix ha annunciato oggi che entro il mese di marzo sarà disponibile una nuova patch per l'MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, un titolo davvero controverso, che fino ad oggi - causa di numerosi difetti di realizzazione del progetto - non ha conquistato né critica né giocatori. L'update, uno dei tanti che punta a ristrutturare dalle fondamenta l'assetto del gioco, porterà il titolo alla versione 1.16: di seguito potete leggere quali sono le principali modifiche che verranno attuate con questa patch.

Storylines and world quests
  • Quest-related system changes
  • Addition of icons to make quest NPCs easily recognizable
  • Addition of quest NPC locations to maps
Journal improvements
  • Reexamintion of data transfer mechanics to display all current quests and levequests on one screen
  • Increased speed for text scrolling in general, and further speed increase for continuous scrolling
  • Addition of page-scrolling control for gamepads
  • Rank/Level up fanfare
  • Examination of dramatic effects when a new rank or level is attained
  • Camera improvements
  • Ability to adjust camera distance when locked onto a target
  • Ability to freely adjust camera distance when playing with a gamepad
Targeting system improvements
  • Ability to target by type ("PC only" or "NPC only") when using a gamepad
  • Ability to target by clicking on character name displays
Auto-translate dictionary update
  • -Update of auto-translate dictionary contents
Guildleve usability improvements
  • Reexamination of and balancing of local levequest issuing conditions
Adjustments to item condition values
  • Adjustments to lower the rate at which item condition deteriorates
Synthesis interface improvements
  • -Adjustments to the item synthesis process
Increased pace of gathering actions
  • -Changes to the frame rates of action animations to speed up gathering
Retainer system improvements
  • -Ability to summon retainers currently operating a bazaar
Reexamination of enemy size
  • Optimization of enemy size for ease of play
Reexamination of stats
  • Addition of an auto-MP regeneration feature