Red Dead Redemption e RDR Online si aggiornano alla versione 1.04

Red Dead Redemption e RDR Online si aggiornano alla versione 1.04

Rockstar Games ha pubblicato nelle scorse ore l'aggiornamento 1.04 per Red Dead Redemption 2 e Red Dead Online: questo update non aggiunge nuovi contenuti ma si limita a risolvere alcuni bug e problemi tecnici relativi in particolar modo allo Story Mode.

In particolare, la patch risolve un bug con la missione "Country Pursuits" che poteva bloccare la percentuale di completamento della storia al 90% a causa di un problema con il salvataggio automatico. Il problema è stato risolto, inoltre viene migliorata la stabilità generale del gioco e di Red Dead Online, con la correzione di bug minori, infine è stato risolto un glitch che causava il crash del gioco su Xbox One con il gioco in pausa. Di seguito il changelog completo in lingua inglese, così come diffuso da Rockstar Games:

RDR2 Patch 1.04

  • Fixed an issue where the player could become stuck at 90% when loading an autosave made immediately after the mission Country Pursuits, if it was the only open mission
  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck on loading screen when trying to restart game after completing the mission County Pursuits
  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck at 90% when loading a save in Chapter 2, if they had set up camp near Horseshoe Overlook after completing The First Shall Be Last
  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck at 90% when loading after loading an autosave or manual save
  • Fixed an issue where players could lose access to all weapons and equipment in their weapon wheel after completing a mission replay in Guarma

Red Dead Online Beta 1.04

  • General stability improvements
  • Fixed the issue where players removing an injured horse from the stables without healing it would result in the Scrawny Nag appearing when whistling for their horse
  • Fixed an issue where players could not exit the house in the Mission Love and Honor
  • Fixed an issue where players would be unable to load beyond 90% in the Red Dead Online beta unless they entered Story mode first
  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck at a black screen after a Posse leader quit the lobby in the mission Love and Honor
  • Fixed an issue where players could crash to the Xbox Home screen when resuming from a suspended state after connecting to Xbox Live services
  • Fixed an issue where players could be kicked from Rockstar game services with error 0x99395004 after completing part 2 of the mission Honor Among Horse Thieves

Red Dead Redemption 2 ha vinto quattro statuette ai Game Awards 2018 (Miglior Narrazione, Miglior Accompagnamento Musicale, Miglior Audio Design e Miglior Performance), inoltre è stato premiato come Miglior Gioco dell'Anno ai Titanium Awards.